Crushing Feet - Sexy girls crush stuff under feet - Page 10

When this mistress noticed that she was dealing with an unruly kid, she was pissed as she had to teach him a lesson. She did not hesitate to do it and she made sure that she crushed his toys and destroyed them so that he learned his lesson. The kid could not believe what had happened to him and his toys and that is how he changed and learned to do things the way she wanted.

When mistress Alexa saw this prom with a doll in it, she did not think that it was cute and she did not smile. Instead, she was pissed because she knew whose it was and why it was there. It was put there to send a message to her that time was running out and she needed to have a baby. She got pissed and she crushed it with her bare feet as well as with her high heels and her ass.

Mistress Mira was pissed and she angrily took some dolls she found in the shoe store backroom and she crushed them as her colleague watched. She destroyed them out of anger and she created a huge mess in the process. What she did made a huge statement and her boss had to go and find out what the problem was and it was sorted out immediately to avoid such an ugly incident happening again.

Mistress Kylie and mistress Jenny were angered by this guy and he was not remorseful for what he had done. They were pissed that he did not want to make amends so they punished him crushing and destroying his favorite teddy bear. They wanted him to learn that they were not helpless and that they could make him cry and regret why he had messed with them. He regretted it all.

Goddess Kiffa loves to try out different kinds of things and today was no exception for her. She wanted to try candy crushing and she did it with her bare feet. She did not have a lot of expectations on it and did not think it would be a lot of fun but it proved her wrong and was more fun than she had expected it to be. And she even became addicted to it.

Mistress Isil and mistress Sassou wanted to try crushing fetish and they knew it was not easy to try it on a human being. They felt that they were not quite ready to do it to a human being so they went out and bought a teddy bear which they crushed for fun. It was more fun than they had anticipated and they managed to crush it with their heels and with bare feet until it was totally destroyed.

Mistress Sandy was in a bad mood and she took down this screen, placed it on the floor and she crushed it with her flat shoes. She did not stop until she was sure it was crushed and destroyed. She did not do it vigorously as she wanted it to last a while but in the end she achieved her goal and destroyed the screen totally until it was unusable.

This mistress loves to crush things for fun and today was not an exception. The mistress had a lot on her mind and as she took a ball and she crushed it with her bare feet as well as with her boots. As she did that, she was able to clear her mind and by the time she was done with it, she had gotten a solution to the issues she had.

This mistress took a banana and she crushed it. She then took the crushed banana and she fed it to her slave. He had to lick it from the soles of her feet and he also had to lick the floor clean before he finally mopped it. The slave was degraded but she did not care as she felt that he deserved all that happened to him. She also told him that he was the determinant as to whether it would happen again.

This mistress did not like the taste of the cake this chef had prepared for her. She was so pissed as it amounted to a waste of time and resources for her. So she crushed it and she made sure the chef ate it from her boots before she was done with him. He had to realize that she would not allow him to bake such kind of cakes in her house.

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