Crushing Feet - Sexy girls crush stuff under feet - Page 27

Lady B loves nothing better than she loves to crush things. She loves it because it makes her feel powerful. Her laptop was becoming slow and she was pissed because she had something urgent to do. When it continued being slow, she crushed it hard using her high heels. She stomped on it and within a matter of minutes, there was no laptop left. It was just a pile of dirt.

Madame Marissa bought a new TV and a PlayStation. She is very competitive and does not like to lose. She always has to beat her opponent but this time round she failed. She was mad and instead turned on the TV and the PlayStation and crushed them with her high heels. Within a matter of minutes, they were all destroyed and all that remained of them was just a heap of garbage.

If there is someone you do not want to mess with, it is mistress Lady B. She does not rest until she has made you cry, just as this guy found out painfully. She made him lick her high heels and made him watch her destroy toy trains with her heels. Then she did to him what she had done to the trains and the guy cried like a baby.

Madame Marissa places a toy bus on the hard floor so she can crush it with her sexy high heel boots. It's one of those giant city buses that is extra long, but it looks tiny lying on the floor under her feet. She makes it even smaller by smashing it to pieces. The little toy bus driver even falls out of the crushed bus and she crushes him flat too.

Crush fetish queen Christin received this impressive model train set from a fan who wants to see her crush it. She accepts the challenge in this hot toy crush clip. The train set is set up and fully functional. The train rides fast around the track with realistic buildings and trees. Christin starts trying to crush it with her brown boots. The train is too strong so she crushes it with her black boots.

This clip is so much fun because Madame Marissa is having a lot of fun satisfying her crush fetish. She has stockings on and switches from high heels to flats to only her stockings as she does her crushing on inflatable toys. She stands on them with her full weight crushing them on the floor. She even jumps up in the air and comes crashing down with her ass crushing the largest toy.

These toys litter her house and this mistress does not like them. She likes kids but she hates the things they leave behind when they come to her house. She decided to enjoy those things as opposed to being pissed off. Enjoying for her means that she has fun destroying them with her feet as well as with her high heels. She got addicted to it and never stopped once she started.

Madame Marissa wanted a new laptop and knew that her boyfriend would insist on making her old laptop better by improving its specs. So she threw it down and crushed it with her high heels so as not to give him a reason not to buy a new one. He could not do anything about the totally smashed and destroyed laptop. He gave in and bought her a new one.

Lady B loves crushing things because it is fun and makes her feel powerful. She likes to crush things and is always buying them or finding them wherever she goes. Today she bought a lot of toys and she had fun destroying them. She wanted to crush and smash them the whole weekend, but she was excited and once she started, she could not stop. She only stopped when they were all destroyed.

Mistresses Esther and Rosie are best friends. They do everything together. Today as they were relaxing in the house when the cake they were eating fell down. Instead of being mad about it, they decided to have fun with it. They crushed it with their feet and made each other eat it from the other's foot. It was cool and they found themselves turned on and it let to the kind of fun they had only read about.

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